The Executive's Guide to Flourishing: Embodiment

Feeling Stuck?

Ever wonder why you feel stuck, as a leader, despite having a sharp brain, AI and great analytics? You might be overlooking one of the wisest sources of insight available - your own body!

Mind Body Signals?

Your mind extends way beyond your brain into your body. Isn't it curious how we often fail to tune into our body's signals, struggling to identify subtle sensations, emotions or feelings within ourselves?

What are they telling us, that we shouldn't be ignoring? Are you often just focused on the "doing" as a leader, disconnected from what is really going inside of you?

Letting this situation linger can cloud your judgement and leave you feeling confused, pressured, pained, or alone, even when you’re surrounded by your team or family. But what if you could turn this around and tune in to this powerful source of wisdom?

What is Embodiment Practice?

Embodiment practice is a game-changer for leaders, it’s about connecting your mind and body. Think of it like learning to listen to what your body is saying and using that insight to lead better. Embodiment coaching helps you spot the alerts, stress and tension you carry and understand what they're about, why they occur and what to do about it.

Imagine feeling more positive, energised, resilient and in control, both in the office and at home. Leaders who try this often find they move and think with more freedom and confidence.

It’s about working with your sensations, feelings, thoughts and actions together seamlessly. This harmony can help you make better decisions with both your head and your heart.

Embodiment Coaching is practical

Embodiment coaching isn’t just about theory; it's practical. It’s about feeling sensations, discovering insights, developing intuition, and making them a part of your everyday life.

Think of it as training for your body mind. Learning how to release stress, tension and anxiety and feel more confident in who you are, to unleash more of your potential. Once you get it, the knowledge and ability stay with you - embodied, and more accessible at any time, making everything else feel easier.

We understand leading can be tough, with lots of different things to juggle. Being more embodied, can really open your senses to what's possible through applying a deep understanding and integration of the somatic, emotional and the cognitive lines of development. The body mind in unison, fully informing you and supporting you and enabling you to flourish more as a leader.

Try this

You may wish to try this short practice. There are many levels to this practice, these are the first 10 steps you may find helpful.

  1. Take a moment to notice how you feel in your body right now.

  2. What tensions or tightness can you feel?  

  3. If safe to do so, place your hands on the area, what do you notice? What do you feel?

  4. Notice what the body feels like with your hands? Breathe and really notice the sensations.

  5. Now notice how your hands feel with the body? Notice how this shift in perspective changes the experience of what you feel.

  6. Now notice what you feel deeper inside your body? Breathe and notice what ordinarily goes unnoticed.

  7. Now breathe rhythmically, allowing any remaining tension to pass, like wind through a tree take as long as you need.  

  8. Notice if any insight arises?

  9. Write down any insights in your coaching journal or notebook, so you can work with them.

  10. Now, imagine the ideal state you’d like to feel in your body – where would you like more ease, strength, or flow?

Ability to transform on Demand

How could the ability to create step 10 on demand transform your approach to leadership? This is the benefit of working with embodied practice.


Turning Our Vision Into Reality


The Executive's Guide to Flourishing: Sustaining Wellbeing