Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI)
How you behave and how you interact with other people is partly determined by your personality type. The RHETI® version 2.5 has been independently scientifically validated. The RHETI® produces a full personality profile across all nine Enneagram types. This provides you with a unique portrait, indicating the relative strengths and weaknesses of the nine types within your overall personality.
How you behave and how you interact with other people is partly determined by your personality type. The RHETI® version 2.5 has been independently scientifically validated. The RHETI® produces a full personality profile across all nine Enneagram types. This provides you with a unique portrait, indicating the relative strengths and weaknesses of the nine types within your overall personality.
How you behave and how you interact with other people is partly determined by your personality type. The RHETI® version 2.5 has been independently scientifically validated. The RHETI® produces a full personality profile across all nine Enneagram types. This provides you with a unique portrait, indicating the relative strengths and weaknesses of the nine types within your overall personality.
Price £25 plus VAT £5 = Total Price £30